Friday, January 27, 2012

If I could choose!

I got a lovely challenge from Anni who is such a lovely girl! This is my very first challenge ever haha. "If I could choose" is the name of the challenge. Firstly I will do this in Finnish and then maybe in English.

Jos minä saisin valita...
> yhteiskuntaopin opetuksen tasoa parannettaisiin, samoin uskonnon ja liikunnan opetusta
> tuloeroja kavennettaisiin
> tiedemiehet voisivat keksiä jonkin ihmeen, jonka avulla maailmasta saataisiin parempi paikka. Sairaudet, ylikansoittuminen, nälkä, liikakulutus, sortaminen, rasismi, oikeistopopulismi, köyhyys, koulukiusaaminen ja kaikki muut ikävät jutut saataisiin ratkaistua.
> Haavisto Haavisto, kyllä.
> elämä olisi kaikilla pieni seikkailu, jännittävä elämys, nautittava kokemus, onnellisuus
> lukisin enemmän kirjoja, kirjoittaisin enemmän
> pysähtyisin enemmän hetkeen, en stressaisi (miksen saisi valita tätäkin?)
> suvaitsevaisuus olisi laajemmalla alueella tunnettu käsite
> kirkko ja valtio pysyisivät erossa toisistaan
> filosofiaa peruskouluihin
> perustulo Suomeen
> jos saisin valita, haluaisin itselleni paremman englannin taidon nopeammin
> enemmän aikaa itselle, muille, kivoille harrastuksille
> ihmiset olisivat kiinnostuneempia toisistaan ja jaksaisivat olla iloisempia tai edes ymmärtävisempiä

jotain jotain, ehkä täydennän vielä ja toivon mukaan jossain vaiheessa käännän myös englanniksi. enkä haasta vielä ketään. katsotaan.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Memories from last winter

Last time when I listened to Patti Smith was about year ago. Same thing with Nico. Because the night and Dancing Barefoot were songs of my dark and lonely nights. I remember those nights when I was taking dog out and everywhere was so dark and I feel depressed. But Patti Smith was gorgeous! Now I found Smells like teen spirit cover made by Patti Smith from Spotify. I think I have listened to this song, too.

In 2010's Christmas holiday I read book of Antti Nylén and he told about Nico. I listened to album The Marble Index and it was somehow depression music, too. I really liked it but now I can't even listen to it, it makes me feel quite melancholic.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And then everything was blurred.

< This is how I feel today. I saw confusing dreams. Dreams about school ending party, drugs, my mother and my friends. I was travelling and I spent a night in my mother's old house where she had live when she was 18 or so. At first there was dirty and dark, unpleasant to be. Then Jasmin and some boy appeared. I hugged Jasmin and Ida was there, too. Then Jasmin left and my mother, grandmother and little brothers came. I left to city with Selleri and Ida, we were eating out in some super cute Chinese restaurant. I was afraid of losing money and everything was somehow blurred.

I also saw someone old friend and we used drugs, that was quite funny. It really felt that my feeling was getting better while I was sleeping. Maybe I'm afraid of school. And when it's ending. We have school ending party at 16.2. 

Sorry for my very unreadable text haha. I didn't go to school today. I'm not interested in going there. School makes me feel irritated and nauseated. I can't wait it's over. But still I have a lot of work to do. And it's distressing. I hate to write about school. I should have something else to say.

I have read Kafka's The Trial. It's published in 1925 and it tells about arrested man who end up in feet of bureaucracy. It said about The Trial that it's the best-known work. And it's true, still I have read Kafka's The Metamorphosis and A Hunger Artist before that.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pursuit of happiness

Kitchen. I have covered my cupboards with photos and drawings.
I'm very proud of my new bookself. There is my old drawing haha and some photographs from my very first exhibition.

I found this from university's library. It includes lots of interesting information on zines and all kind of diy-things.

I found this book from London. There was cute little bookstore! Keri Smith's ideas are marvellous! (I have also her book "Wreck this journal")

"I haven't ever tried to draw my own picture in moving train with left hand!"
I have become insecure about my English. This Christmas holiday has been the best.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I have nothing dramatic to say.

New Year's eve and bad panoramas