Monday, February 13, 2012

Exams, alcohol and english

Hello. Today I had English listening comprehension and it was quite hard. There were things about acne and orangutans. Topics of comprehension were boring and irritating... Next exam will be after a month.

I watched documentary about british drinking culture with Viima. I didn't know that the group pressure is so heavy while drinking alcohol. There were a few young adults who were drinking and measuring their level of alcohol content. Girls were worried about their drinking but those guys had such a huge need to impress girls. They were pouring vodka to their eyes. Their sight has gone worse and they don't care. Unbelievable.

I find it quite hard to write in English. I haven't written anything lately and it's too bad. I would love to write more, but I think beginning is the hardest part of writing. Firstly, I'm not so skillful that I could think in English. Perhaps I should set a goal for writing every day something.

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